Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Ridiculous Chocolate Box
One day I found a fancy-looking box of chocolates on our living room table...
I discovered it's yet another "English sells" type of Japanese product; something that might just as well have text in Japanese but instead is covered in nonsensical Engrish, since anything with text in English becomes more "exotic" (I guess?) than the usual Japanese stuff. I can imagine things with text in English (French seems to work too) has a more exotic look to the Japanese consumer, similar to how clothes with "Osaka" can be popular in Sweden.. Also makes one think about all the Chinese character tattoos so common in the west..
Anyway, back to this silly box.. this is the inside of the lid.

This is what's inside. Not much chocolate.. but I guess they went for quality instead of quantity.. or did they? Look at the little messages written on the pieces of chocolate! Complete nonsense! It gives me the same feeling of semi-confusion that I always feel when I see other Engrish street signs, notice boards, websites and slogans..

I can't even comment on what we're seeing here... I can't find the words to describe the emptiness and confusion I feel inside. A bear fishing? What's that got to do with chocolate? Why do write "a fishing day" on a piece of chocolate? Why is a bear "cooking" when it's actually baking? Ahhh to many questions left unanswered!!!
I'm pretty sure the company that made this chocolate is pretty un-classical.. I ate some of the chocolate and it tasted like.... average cheap chocolate from any convenience store. So much for that long history...
hahaha..."We send it to your kind heart", "Pretty work of art of chocolates tastes very good". Skojar de?
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