Host mom's birthday!

here she is! my host mother! yesterday was her 61st birthday so the kids and grandkids came over to celebrate. today we had this chocolate mousse cake. mighty tasty! sorry host mom.. i may not have captured her most charming smile.. however, she's the kindest person ever. super laidback and cool. i couldn't have found a better host family!

here's Mr. host dad! as you can see, quite a laidback character too! sitting here in the livingroom, relaxing.. watching TV (that's how big it is!) eating chocolate birthday cake.

here's one of the grandkids. just 5 years old or something. the other kid is 7 i think, both are crazy about Pokemon and MushiKing (beetles).

here's our Viking, Eyvi from Iceland. at the dinner table on the left. on the right: he actually won an armwrestling tournament, so naturally the kids wanted to challenge him.. i did too.. he kicked my ass really easy.