Tokyo Game Show
OK before I get started about the TGS, let me just show a couple of photos.

This is the bicycle the host family gave me. I use it to get to the train station, then I park it in a special bicycle parking lot, for 100 yen per day. Kind of troublesome to pay 100 yen every time, but I can get a monthly card if I go there early in the morning on the first weekday of october.

This if from Loft, a shop that has pretty much everything... like this very exotic incense for example.

This is the first thing I saw when I entered Tokyo Game show. What else could one expect, if not the latest bouncing-tit game? Bigger tits than ever before... and more "realistic!" This is what drives the graphics technology. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining!

This is my friend, David. He was taking a lot of photos with that big bad camera of his. If I ask nicely, maybe he will let me use some of his photos here on the blog...

The place was huge, and full of girls like this one. They were handing out fliers, brochures, bags and stuff..

Yeah so this is what game shows, car shows and [stuff guys like]-shows are all about! Hiring a bunch of models and photographing the hell out of them. For a moment there, I forgot we came to check out the latest games and just started looking for the hottest girls... scary!

She wasn't really that good-looking once we got closer, though..

Some girls (like these two with implants and very little clothes) were walking around, led by their "pimp" and followed by a large crowd of horny men, nervously taking photo after photo with their huge cameras. What news does it bring me of new computer/console games? None. I guess it works to divert attention from the games but still keep visitors from leaving the hall? It was very very crowded, so I guess the organizers could use these models as some kind of crowd control measure..

Lots of cosplay people... proudly posing for any camera.
Men ärligt talat va dom inte särskilt snygga...

A lot of girls.. some of them were actually doing something useful: displaying the Wii controller and playing Sonic (coming to Wii, yes!)

These girls were playing a fighting game, Bleach, on the Wii. We couldn't play any Wii games ourselves, just watch the girls play. The controls seemed a bit quirky.. the girls just shook and pointed anywhere, tapping all the buttons wildly, but the in-game fight looked quite well-controlled, with a lot of action. Still can't say if it will be fun, but I can imagine the Wii will be the perfect entertainment for any drinking party
(Trana skaffa!!).

These ladies were playing various games from the the sports package that will be included with every new Wii. I saw them play some kind of hurdles game which will definitely become a classic at the drinking party. To run faster, you have to use the controller and the connected "nunchuk" and shake them up and down as fast as possible (as if they were the feet of the runner) and quickly pull them up simultaneously in order to jump. It all reminded me of
that special mat for the NES. There was a baseball game where controlling the bat seemed far from easy (your character would swing more or less randomly, missing most of the time and sometimes scoring huge homeruns) and a frisbee golf game where you sort of swing the controller sideways, like throwing a frisbee. Controlling that one seemed to work well.

This is the PS3 on display inside a glass cylinder, surrounded by a hungry crowd concisting mostly of Japanese teenage boys, snapping shots with their mobile phones. Looks pretty heavy!