First sight

Ok here we go! First I'd like to show you my one-way ticket to Tokyo. I got it for 20 SEK from SL, Stockholms Lokaltrafik. They have a new system now, and tickets have indeed gotten cheaper, especially the long trips. Basically, you save more money the farther you go...

On my way to meet a friend in Sophia University I saw this on a train platform... How many Japanese commuters do you think follow this advice? Train stations weren't as dangerous as I thought, btw. I've been to about 6-7 so far and they're all fairly easy to navigate, except Shinjuku. There are a few different train companies though so if you get a monthly card it may not be used everywhere.. and since it's not exactly cheap to take trains, people tend to buy cards that let you travel as much as you want between two stations and then they stick to this route for their everyday needs, occasionally venturing out to other stations for special errands.

This is what a typical vending machine looks like. As it is a very hot summer right now (extremely humid too), they usually contain cold drinks like water, coke, ice tea, sports drinks and coffee. Prices are usually 110 yen for cans and 150 for bottles (ca 7 and 10 SEK). This station has walls along the platforms, to make it more difficult for people to commit suicide..

In Sophia University's new building there is a canteen, seen here. I had some noodles (udon) and talked to my friend.. it's hard to eat those slippery noodles without making a mess, but I heard that's the way to do it hehe

For dessert we had some black bean (sesame) ice cream. Looks like licorice to me, but it's nice and sweet.

After that, I went to Shibuya with another friend. These ladies are carrying umbrellas for protection against the sun (they don't want to get tanned!). I also see some heavy messaging going on. Pink is the color of choice, of course, and there are big things strapped on to the phones.

Knee-high socks seem to be popular right now.. I've seen quite a few girls like this.. You see some crazy styles here. I really wonder how some people's minds work, cause it's just too ridiculous! It's usually very hard to photograph people on the streets though, partly because I want to be somewhat discrete about it and partly because people are moving, blurring the picture.